Personal Development Assignments

Reflection DIEP

Mission Statement

Step 1:
- Organizing things
- Dancing
- Playing musical instrument
- Planning
- Drawing
- Listening to others
Step 2:
- Logical
- Playful
- Extrovert
- Observant

Step 3:
- I would love to compose music that is inspirational to everyone in this world.
- Music has no language barrier.
- Everyone can feel it.
- Wants everybody to have the courage and passion towards achieving their goals in life.
Step 4:
- Compose inspiring music, inspiring everyone.
- Volunteer myself to help others in need.
- Love my family more than I am right now.
- Able to communicate with my friends better and making them feel more comfortable being around with me.
- Respect others in the workplace.

Step 5:
My mission is to provide honest and analytical financial reports to the company that I served in. I will remain to have a positive attitude and a sense of ethical value in everything I do. I wish to compose music that is inspiring to the community so that everyone will be inspired to have courage in achieving their life goals without hesitance. I would volunteer myself to help others in need and also would love my friends and families to know that I am dependable when they need me. I will strive to do my best every day in the work I do and respects everyone that is working around with me. Last but not least, I want to fully utilize my abilities to bring blessings to people around me.

SMART Goal Setting

Personal SWOT

- Optimism
- Enthusiasm
- Ability to learn new things fast
- Playing musical instruments
- Self-discipline
- Good in mathematics

- Indecisiveness
- Lack of interpersonal skills
- Easily influenced by others
- Poor leadership skills

- Able to speak in multiple languages
- Join an internship programme to gain work experience
- Travelling to other countries to learn new culture
- Economic downturn in the future might reduce unemployment rate
- Competing with other fresh graduates from all around the world to get a job
- Cause misunderstanding among people around me due to poor communication skills

Action Plan
