Canfield Report


  • PEER [18]
  • GOAL [18]

  • NUMERIC [13]
  • INANIMATE [14]
  • PEOPLE [14]

  • DETAIL [10]
  • AUTHORITY [18]

  • LISTENING [19]
  • READING [16]
  • ICONIC [13]

To begin, I scored 80% in organization which is interpreted as an individual that needs the work that is assigned to them to be logical and meaningful. I find this point accurate because every time I work on an assignment, I will list down things that has to be done in sequence after looking at the assignment requirement to ensure everything will be done accordingly.

Among four divisions in the content category, I scored highest in numeric (80%). Interpretation in the worksheet indicates that individual that is tied with numeric learning style loves working with numbers and logic. I agreed with this learning style as I do enjoy solving mathematical problems and loves to learn anything related to computing. To further illustrate on this point, I have been learning about computer programming from a YouTuber named Khan Academy recently to know more about coding so that I can develop my own application in the future.

The following category after content is the mode category. There are four areas under the mode category which is listening, reading, iconic and direct experience. There are two areas in which I scored high, 70% out of 100% in reading and iconic learning styles. Reading is being clarified as examining the written word and reading texts. I acknowledge with this learning style to a certain extent as my favorite hobby is reading books during my free time. Iconic is being defined as viewing illustrations, movies, slides, pictures and graphs. In my opinion, I think I am leaning more towards iconic learning style within the mode category. The reason for the above statement is because I tend to learn even better when there is someone demonstrating on how to do it. For example, I usually learn how to fold an origami on YouTube more than surfing the internet for texts on how to do it.      
Last but not least, the last category is the expectancy score. The description for expectancy score is the student’s predicted level of performance. I get 56% in this category which means I does not give myself any high expectation as to what kind of result I will get.  


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